KAIROS - The ECO4VET Italian partner
Kairos S.p.A. is a consultancy company and training agency accredited by Veneto Region operating in the head office in the Northeast of Italy (Venice). During the last years, it has participated as partner or lead partner to several projects financed by the EC within the LLP programme.
The company have been offering different kind of services including: promotion, planning and development of professional training activities; assistance in Human Resources management and strengthening of professional abilities; development and implementation of competence evaluation tools; certification of working competences in public and private organisations; Quality assurance and certification; creation of new entrepreneurial initiatives; consultancy services in the fields of strategic development and competitive positioning; marketing, communication and technological innovation.
Kairos is involved in all project activities and it has the responsibility to assure the achievement of minimum quality standards. Indeed, Kairos main role within the project has been leading the WP 9 focusing on Monitoring and Evaluation (Quality Assurance). They have also contributed to the other WPs, especially to the WP1 through the implementation of the analysis of the competences and training requirements in the UK.