Meet our two Polish partners: OIGPM and BUDOWLANI

PP03 - OIGPM - Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers

The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers integrate the different actors of the Polish furniture industry. The aim is creating a long-term profitable collaboration among all these actors to support the development of the furniture industry, promote this industry within and outside the country, and to ensure that consumers are fully satisfied with the purchase and use of products of the Polish furniture industry. Moreover, it offers to its members technical, economic and law services, together with research services. It promotes and delivers training activities.

During the last decades has created a strong and wide network of collaboration with many other European organizations from the furniture sector. It is involved in several European projects related with new technologies
and innovation, the EU Qualification Framework, Vocational training and the promotion of the Polish Furniture sector.

Role in the project: OIGPM, as partner from the world of work, will participate in the definition of skill needs (WP1), dissemination and exploitation activities.


PP09 - BUDOWLANI - Budowlani Trade Union

The activity of Budowlani TU is focused on representation of the economical, social and educational interests of its members and industry workers. And its most important task is the protection of economic interests of trade union members (approximately 15.000, 14 regional structures covering administrative regions of Poland and over 300 basic, company structures). The aim is to establish partnerships and collaboration among employees, employers and government structures. One of the elements of this system should be the effective mechanism of vocational training.

The Union since 1996 is involved in VET related activity and the Union transmits potential project outputs (best practices and project results) to the companies as well as to the vocational training institutions and VET policy makers.

Role in the project: During the project BUDOWLANI, as VET policy maker, participates in dissemination and exploitation activities and supports with its knowledge and experience all other project activities.