Latest dissemination activities
Since the beginning of the project small group meetings were organized by project partners (OIGPM, CENFIM, GM and Budowlani) in Poland, Spain and Romania to present the ECO4VET project, partners and target key stakeholders. Partners have been organizing specific meetings and have been exploiting as well the participation to other meetings, projects and events related to the furniture sector.
The 4 latest meetings were held during the month of February in Barcelona, Logrono, Badajoz and Toledo in Spain and involved around 70 professionals from the furnishings sector. CENFIM representatives presented the ECO4VET project and explained: what Ecodesign and Eco-innovation are; the 8 Ecodesign strategies giving practical examples related to building furnishings; the benefits and problems to implement Ecodesign within companies. The feedback received by attenders were very positive, they demonstrated interest in the Pilot Course and appreciated how it could provide them with those learning outcomes required by new professional profiles needed by companies.