P08 - SOC – Catalonian Occupation Service
The Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya, SOC, manages occupational services to keep and promote the stable employment. The aims are to reduce the unemployment, and protect uneployed persons, offering training courses and professional advising.
SOC is an autonomous and administrative organization, adscript to the Departament de Treball. The reference frame of the SOC is the European Strategy about work and the national plans about employment.
The SOC functions are:
- Offer its services to all job seekers, including training.(workers or unemployed)
- Offert equality of labour opportunities for everybody
- Promote enterprising spirits offering support to small and medium companies
- Dialogue and commitment between public and private sectors
- Achieve a high level of employment, through the work promotion and creation.
The SOC has two fields of action:
- Organic: El "Consell de Direcció" (a government organization).
- Work Offices:
- The Territorial Services are the institutional representation of the SOC in our territory.
- The work offices of the Generalitat are the reference frame of the territory.
- The "Centres d'Innovació i Formació Ocupacional (CIFO)" are also centres of reference for occupational training.
The SOC is organized according to the following departments:
- Direcció del SOC (SOC General Direction)
- Occupational Network Management
- Direcció Territorial Barcelona
- Direcció Territorial Tarragona
- Direcció Territorial Lleida
- Direcció Territorial Girona
- Direcció Territorial Catalunya Central
- Programme Management
- Active Policies General Department
- Technical Secretary
- Management;
- Occupational Network Management
Size of organisation:
Role in the project:
SOC will participate in dissemination and exploitation activities WP7 and WP8. Besides will contribute in several activities related with the skills needs definition, joint curriculum design an delivery, pilot test and project management.