The online pilot course finalization
The ECO4VET online Pilot course started at the end of September 2015 and finalizes in January 2016. The course focused on Ecodesign and Sustainable Production specifically for the Furniture Sector and it is available in 5 different languages (English, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish).
The course was produced by the partnership in order to contribute filling-in the existing skills and training gaps between the European existing VET training offer and the companies skills needs.
Furniture sector professionals and students have participated free of charge to the course which allowed them to update their skills and knowledge. The course required them to prepare also a final project in order to apply what they learnt to a practical case.
The students involved that pass the exams will get a certificate of participation. During these months, they have been providing the consortium with feedback about the course in relation to the content, the methodology and the function of the online platform.
All these feedback together with the results of the tutors’ activities will be used until the finalization of the project, to improve the course in all the aspects mentioned before. The idea is that the material produced and improved will be used by the project VET providers in their future courses related to Ecodesign and Sustainable Production.