Kairos S.p.A. is an Italian management consultancy company and training agency accredited by Veneto Region, operating in the head office in the north-east of Italy (Venice).
The company’s range of activities includes the following: promotion, planning and development of professional training activities in several sectors (including social and sanitary sectors), assistance in Human Resources management, strengthening of professional abilities, development and implementation of competence evaluation tools, certification of competences at work in public and private organisations, Quality assurance and certification, Customer Satisfaction, creation of new entrepreneurial initiatives, creation and implementation of the models for the accreditation of services for elderly care workers, management of the translational EU funded projects, consultancy services in the fields of strategic development, competitive positioning, marketing and communication, technological innovation, informatics systems.
The Company:
- is a training agency accrediteted from Veneto Region;
- is certified in conformance with UNI-EN ISO 9001:2008 in the following activities: Design and provision of services of business and management consultancy, Development of quality systems in conformity to ISO 9000 standards, training courses;
is accredited as a first level society for innovative services by main Veneto Enterprises Associations;
- is accredited as a first level society for Marketing and Communication, Organization, Entrepreneurial Development, Logistic and Informative Services by Veneto Innovation;
KAIROS has a specific competence in environmental framework. It is a co-founder of Rurener network. RURENER is a network of small rural communities (villages and small towns) wishing to reduce their energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels and instead harness the power of local renewable energy sources. Not only does this help to reduce CO2 emissions, but developing clean energy solutions in rural areas can play a major role in achieving a sustainable rural economy. On the base of Rurener, Kairos is now implementing “100% RES communities”. The aim is to cover the energy demand entirely with renewable energies that includes the territorial renewable potentials comprehensively. Moreover, Kairos is implementing a project related to the training in the management of biomass for energy production. As far as Kairos’ experience in the management of project financed by LLP programme is concerned, Kairos has participated as partner or LP to the following projects: FORTH, IDECO, IQEA Evolution, COMPUTIL, EUMOBILITY-NET, NEW DEAL and AGE IN TANDEM
Size of the organization: Actually the company has 7 people as permanent staff and 20 people as partners (trainers and advisors).
Affiliations: KAIROS is a partner of the Italian Association for Quality Culture AICQ; the association of the Italian Public Utility Companies and usually collaborates with several Italian and European universities and also training enterprises.
Role in the project: While supporting aims and objectives of the entire project through its stated strategy and methodology, KAIROS´s primary role in the project will be to lead the Worpackage 9 dedicated to Monitoring and Evaluation (Quality Assurance). They will also contribute to all the WP´s, especially to the WP1 by analysing the competences and training requirements in the UK, to WP 5 in order perform the pilot test in the UK and to WP 7 Dissemination. Kairos is involved in all project activities and it has the responsibility to assure the achievement of minimum quality standards.