ECO4VET EU Project announces it will finalize the e-learning units for its Pilot Course by the end of June

The consortium held its 4th meeting in Bucharest, host by the Romanian partner Grigore Moisil on the 12th and 13th of May and announced that almost finalized this key milestone.
The Bucharest meeting
Project partners, coming from 6 different European countries, analyzed and discussed the implementation stages of the project and decided how to strengthen the execution of the different tasks foreseen. Moreover, a dissemination event was held in the same meeting venue and involved professors and students from the Bucharest Architecture University UAUIM and the Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Brancusi.
The main relevant news about the project implementation is that the e-learning units will be available on the project e-platform by the end of June. Once ready, the units will be tested by partners to check the proper functioning of the e-learning platform.
The consortium meeting focused also on the on-going preparation of the educational materials, the project quality evaluation, the future exploitation strategy of the project results and outcomes and all the dissemination activities that will be done in order to involve in the project Pilot Course professionals and students from across Europe.
The pilot course
The project will test the produced e-learning materials through a Pilot Course that will start next September. The course will cover knowledge, skills and competences related to Ecodesign and Sustainable Production for furniture professional profiles such as General Managers, Production Managers and Designers.
Furniture sector professionals, students and unemployed people across Europe will have the possibility to join for free the on-line course. It will be available in 5 European languages: English, Spanish, Polish, Turkish and Romanian. There are 15 places available for each language and places will be allocated following a selection of applicants’ CVs and their order of application. Applicants’ selection will be finalized in June 2015.
In order to get more information and apply to the course, please visit the project website or go through the following link:
The project
The ECO4VET project (Improvement of Vocational Education and Training related to EcoDesign and Sustainable Production in the Furniture Sector), funded by the European Commission (Leonardo da Vinci programme) with the objective of improving the European employees and companies competitiveness by acquiring competences in ecodesign and sustainable production. The project includes an analysis of the ecodesign and sustainable production training needs in the furniture sector, the definition of the training path and the contents of the courses, the development and adaptation of an e-learning platform and several pilot tests in different countries and languages. Following these stages ECO4VET project will develop new tools and educational materials in order to enhance quality and deliver effective training for the whole sector.