P09 - BUDOWLANI - Budowlani Trade Union
The activity of Budowlani TU is focused on representation of the economical, social and educational interests of its members and industry workers.
Membership: approximately 15000, 14 regional structures covering administrative regions of Poland and over 300 basic, company structures.
The Union since 1996 is involved in VET related activity (creation of curricula, standards of vocational qualifications, OHS training, co-operation with building schools and other educational institutions. The Union is ready to transmit potential project outputs to the industry structures (training in companies) in Poland as well as to the vocational training institutions. Due the direct involvement in the VET reform in the country (creation of the new standards and NQF), Budowlani is able to transmit best practices and project results to the VET policy makers. Ready to disseminate project results in the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (member organisation).
Affiliations: Trade Union Budowlani is the biggest organisation of the construction, wood, furniture, building materials industry employees in Poland
Size of the organization: BUDOWLANI has Over 15 thousands members (30 regular staff members)
Role in the project: During the project BUDOWLANI, as VET policy maker, will participate in dissemination and exploitation activities in WP7 and WP8 respectively.
BUDOWLANI will bring to the project direct access to the labour market in the furniture industry as well as a macro vision, with a necessary distance regarding a technical and pedagogical production of outcomes. Moreover, they will contribute to the customizing of current good teaching and training practices in the partners countries, as well as in the proposing of schemes and methods for formal recognition of the new transversal skills of trainers and teachers.