Recently the project delivered a study about the Qualification Profiles at National level for the participating countries. These profiles were prepared processing the results of the project previous survey realized to identifying gaps between the current training offer regarding Ecodesign and Sustainable Production and professionals needs in the furniture sector.
These profiles are a list of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) related to their importance, the grade of achievement and necessary for each of the three professional profiles analysed: general manager, production manager, designer. These learning outcomes cover 4 common areas that are:
- management systems
- environmental management systems and their application in the furniture industry
- strategies for reducing the environmental impact of the industrial processes and the final product in the furniture sector
- ecodesign (ISO 14006) and its application in the furniture sector
There are differences among the qualification profiles of the different countries. Specifically there are different needs of learning outcomes related to the existing level of professional knowledge and skills, and, on the other side, related to the perceived needs of these professionals.
These differences were integrated in the identified international qualification profiles.
The project pilot course, which will be delivered during next months, will enable participants students to properly acquire all the learning outcomes identified and will better prepare them to satisfy companies’ capabilities needs.