To ECO4VET θα αντιμετωπίσει τις αναντιστοιχίες και τις ελλείψεις των επαγγελματικών προσόντων που επισημαίνονται στην περιγραφή από:
- Τον καθορισμό των αναγκών σε δεξιότητες σχετικές με τον Οικολογικό Σχεδιασμό, την Οικο-Βιωσιμότητα και την Διαχείριση Περιβάλλοντος στη βιομηχανία επίπλων.
- Το Σχεδιασμό ένας νέου κοινού προγράμματος σπουδών για τον Οικολογικό Σχεδιασμό και τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη στην Βιομηχανία των Επίπλων.
- Την Υλοποίηση του Προγράμματος Κατάρτισης.
- Την Εξασφάλιση ότι τα προϊόντα του έργου διαδίδονται και αξιοποιούνται ουσιαστικά και ότι ενσωματώνονται στη δομή των προσόντων του κλάδου της ξυλείας.
WP1 Definition of Skills Needs
The objectives of this WP are:
- researching competence needs in work positions in the furniture industry regarding concepts of Ecodesign and Sustainable Production and its integration in the furniture industry.
- identifying knowledge, skills and competence mismatches between current training programs and the needs of furniture sector professionals regarding the aforementioned concepts.
WP2 Definition of the training path and learning contents
The WP objectives are defining the learning units and training path based in learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competence) identified in the previous WP, defining the training methodology, modes of delivery and contents and weighting learning units as preparation for a future attribution of ECVET credit points.
WP3 Training Courses Delivery
This work package includes fully developing the course materials based on the training path and learning content defined in WP2 (Learning Outcomes, Units and Qualifications). The curriculum development would follow a collaborative process between partners, with an editorial board, collaborative web tools, reviews and feedback. This open development process encourages joint participation from VET providers and learners, represented by labour market partners.
WP4 Platform Set up and Test
The objective of this WP is the development of an online plattform that will host the course. It will include: defining the platform specifications; the architectural design of the platform; SCORM and Upload contents objects to the platform; testing and improving the platform and the release of the pilot platform.
WP5 Learning Pilot Test
In this WP the course modules will be tested in a real environment and will be improved for the roll-out of the Official Joint Curriculum on Ecodesign and Sustainable Production in the Furniture Sector.
WP6 Quality Assurance
WP6 aims to assess the quality within the project and to establish a monitoring framework that will be adopted throughout the performance period, in order to determinate the coherence between project forecasts and results obtained, the methodology adopted, the productivity of the workgroup, the overall outcomes of the project and also to correct possible problematic elements.
WP7 Dissemination
The overall objective of this WP is to disseminate the evolution and results of the project creating awareness in the local districts, at national and at EU level. All partners will play a relevant role in the dissemination and communication activities to reach as many organizations as possible. Dissemination activities will be continuous during all the project and will include among others a website, a newsletter, leaflets, article publications, social networks presence, small gropus presentations and some dissemination events.
WP8 Exploitation
WP8 aims to ensure the sustainability of the results after the end of the project. Partners must develop and implement tools and procedures for planning for the future sustainability of results, based on commercialization, protection of Intellectual Property produced under ECO4VET project, identify possible entities for knowledge transfer and/or development of new projects, identify new funding schemes for further transfer of knowledge and development of innovation over the achieved results.
WP9 Project Management
The main objective of this WP is to manage the project in line with the contract agreed with the Commission and to ensure the overall compliance with the agreed project objectives and WPs defined in the project description in liaison with project partners.