P02 - AMUEBLA - Innovative business association of furniture manufacturers and related in the Murcia Region

AMUEBLA, funded in 2009 is a Group of stakeholders working together to address needs in the furniture and habitat sector in the Murcia Region.

The key activities developed in AMUEBLA are listed below: 

1.- To promote JOINT ACTIONS between the companies:

  • Between the companies of the AEI of the sector habitat (innovative business groups of the habitat sector) in the Region of Murcia
  • Between the companies of different clusters of the Region of Murcia: Sector Habitat, Natural Stone, Naval, ICT’s Biomed, Agri-food

2.- To Establish CONVERGENT AND COMMON STRATEGIES in ambiences of:

  • Business MANAGEMENT 
  • The TECHNOLOGY transfer
  • The INTERNATIONALIZATION of the companies

In the field of Ecodesign, AMUEBLA has a wide experience in developing projects and arranging EVENTS. In the last two years, AMUEBLA coordinated the following projects in the field of Ecodesign.

  • DESIGN GREEN. Projects related to the establishment of the ecodesign Methodology in 5 organizations from the habitat sector. 5 different Projects were carried out to obtain results for its application to different product types.
  • INNOVATIVE. Projects for incorporating new materials for the development of innovative products in the Habitat Sector. In this Project, 5 different studios were carried out
    , which main objective was to apply different materials types that were previously identified as possible materials to be used in furniture and other Habitat Products.

Size of the organization: 1 Delegation, 2 workers.

Affiliations: AMUEBLA represents the interests if important furniture firms from the Mediterranean area, the AMUEBLA partnership also involve R&D actors (University of Murcia, Technical University of Cartagena and Technical Research Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia) and public bodies (Murcia's Regional Development Agency and Regional Association of Woodworking Entrepreneurs).

Role in the project:

As AMUEBLA is in direct contact with the furniture industry as well as furniture associations, chambers, trade unions, R&D actors public bodies and VET providers, AMUEBLA will participate in the VET4ECO proposal as a partner from the labour market. Coordinating WP1 Definition of Skills Needs in the Furniture Sector and the Exploitation Work Package (WP8).