The Furniture Sector in Europe and the ECO4VET European perspective

The reason behind the ECO4VET project was to respond to consumers’ and legal demands for using more environmentally friendly materials, processes and services in the Furniture sector. In order to give an appropriate answer to these requests and to the additional pressures coming from producers from low wages economies, the winning competitiveness of European Furniture sector shall take into consideration different criteria, among others, efficient products and processes, innovative and attractive design.

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ECO4VET main outcomes and outputs

ECO4VET first delivery was the implementation of a desk research and a questionnaire in participating countries. The first one was implemented among VET providers and the second one among furniture companies. They aimed to find out the existing gaps in Europe between the VET providers training offer and the furniture companies’ skills and capacities needs in relation to Ecodesign and Sustainable Production. Identifying these skills gaps has been the corner stone of the whole project as it identified which learning outcomes had to be covered by the training materials delivered by the project. On the basis of these learning outcomes, the consortium designed 3 new joint curricula related to Ecodesign and Sustainable Production to be integrated in the training of key professional profiles of the sector: General Managers, Production Managers and Designers.

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Final Dissemination event

CENFIM presented the ECO4VET Project at the Wood Furniture and Habitat 2016 meeting on the 18th of March 2016 in Barcelona. It took place at the offices of the Architects Catalan Association.  This meeting aimed to promote understanding, cooperation and contacts to make more dynamic the wood, furniture and habitat local sector.

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Final meeting and project last activities

The ECO4VET consortium held its final meeting in Barcelona, host by the Project Leader CENFIM on the 16th and 17th of March. Project partners, coming from 6 different European countries, met to finalize the execution of the last foreseen tasks and discuss further collaboration following the end of the project.

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KAIROS - The ECO4VET Italian partner

Kairos S.p.A. is a consultancy company and training agency accredited by Veneto Region operating in the head office in the Northeast of Italy (Venice). During the last years, it has participated as partner or lead partner to several projects financed by the EC within the LLP programme.

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